In the Belly of the Beast
Quiescent Benevolence
Title Page
Chapter   1
Chapter   2
Chapter   3
Chapter   4

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Of the books sharing this title probably the best known is a book written by a imprisoned criminal and published some years ago to modest acclaim. Generally the phrase refers to being in an unpleasant and dangerous situation. I have certainly been there, and unlike the criminal author, I did nothing to deserve it. But I survived, despite the best efforts of the Medical Industry. Which is what the story is about. It also revealed to me the reality of what a friend (RIP Frank) told me often: People are just no damned good. He said a lot more, but that about covers it. There is a temptation to think so at times, and I know well why. The author of the aforementioned book was a criminal and worked hard to get to where he finally arrived. Perhaps I'm just one of the unlucky people such things happen to, but the beast doesn't care. Or maybe it does, and deliberately torments us a little more just for fun.

By the way, Frank was right.

I have little experience as a writer, and am not attempting to impress anyone. I wrote some technical manuals in a past life, and was considered by some to be quite good at it. The purpose of my writing this is to describe the appalling behavior of the minions of the Medical Industry when it devoured me.

Quiescent Benevolence
Thu 18 Aug 2022 01:10:40 PM CDT : 1660846240