In the Belly of the Beast
Quiescent Benevolence
Title Page
Chapter   1
Chapter   2
Chapter   3
Chapter   4

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I described the use of helpless patients to extract large sums of money from insurance companies (and Medicare as most patients are elderly) as a form of human trafficking. There is another insidious aspect, and more evil. That is the infliction of psychotropic drugs on people without regard for the damage they do even if - especially if - they are used on people who have some mental instability.

My experience is that under the influence of these drugs a person may behave in a seemingly normal manner without being at all aware of their actions. I was told that during I was often awake and talking with visitors and hospital staff, eating and drinking and talking about a program on the television. I have no memory whatsoever of any of it.

I used to wonder about the numerous 'mass shootings' that occur so often, particularly the ones by school-aged children. I long suspected a link to the drugs. In fact I have examined dozens of them and have found only a couple in which the perpetrators were not using prescribed psychotropic medications, in almost every case multiple drugs simultaneously. I also have observed that representatives of the Medical Industry vigorously deny a connection.

Of course they do.

Recently a young nurse systematically murdered her three young children and then jumped out a second-floor window of her house, nearly killing and permanently crippling herself. She had never before given any indication of aberrant behavior or mental illness, beause there had not been any. She trusted the Medical Industry and took drugs prescribed by a doctor who was presumed to be competent to diagnose and treat her. Her lawyer described the drug cocktail she was using, it contained all of the ones used on me and several others. Given the well-documented circumstances I have no doubt at all that she was completely unaware of her actions.

The Medical Industry has much to answer for. As do those who cover up the crimes and profit from them.