In the Belly of the Beast
Quiescent Benevolence
Title Page
Chapter   1
Chapter   2
Chapter   3
Chapter   4

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After a couple of days I asked them not to tie me again, or at least to leave my hands free. They refused, doctor's orders I was told. I asked to see the doctor. (Should a patient in a hospital need to request a visit from the doctor? Day after day.) As the days went by I asked each day. Each time I was told that the doctor would see me on his morning rounds, around 0800. Each day I lay in the bed, watching the door, hoping that each approaching person would be the doctor. So he could see that there was no need to tie me down like a dangerous animal. The doctor never came. To this day I have never seen him.

I later learned that that was precisely how he regarded me.

The personnel varied from day to day. I believe during time I was there only one nurse visited me often enough that I remembered her and recognized her each time she came to my room. I did see another one often enough to remember him. He was quite large, and he may not have been a nurse but an orderly or something similar.

I remember hearing him talking with the other nurses outside the room. They must have known I could hear them, I suppose they didn't care. They didn't seem to care about anything else. On one occasion he was discussing his nursing education and it seemed he had not completed the necessary education to be licensed. The impression I got was of the guy at the water cooler pontificating about whatever the current subject was, no matter what it happened to be.

I suspected he was hired because of his physical size and strength. When repositioning of my person was required, instead gently pushing the patient's body or its parts into the desired position he simply picked me up and dropped me where he wanted me. On one occasion he berated me for something, telling me that I wanted to pull the feeding tube out and have to go back to the other hospital and have it put back it was fine with him.

He seemed to be mentally unstable to some degree. Which made him a good fit in that madhouse.

And no, they could not reinstall a feeding tube. Apparently I dislodged it at some point and was sent back to Hospital B to have it replaced. What kind of hospital can't put in a feeding tube? A long-term acute care hospital no less.

During this phase of my imprisonment I was desperate to escape. Two of my siblings visited daily, a 45 mile drive each way. Actually one at a time, as the hospital would now allow more than one visitor. So they came on alternate days. The Plandemic was used as an excuse. As it was used for so many deaths at the time.

I was asking them to get me out, and they said they were trying. But under the influence of the drugs the memory of their brief quickly faded, and I despaired of being freed. I had numerous dreams about contacting a lawyer and having going to court to make them let me go. But I had no phone, no access to a computer. And I was tied to a hospital bed.

I managed on at least two occasions to free myself (some restraints those were) but it was probably the desperation to preserve my sanity that enabled me to do it. Each time, as soon as my feat had been discovered I was promptly secured once again. (The floor had sensors which detected the presence of a body, and when it was triggered a loud alarm would sound, and invariably it would be some time before the staff was able to deactivate it.) But I never got out of the bed when I had freed myself, I simply lay there enjoying the brief respite.