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Sittin' here thinkin' about whether to hook up a pair of speakers to this computer. Fixin' to move to another room next week or so, want to hear a video I hafta use the top one. Seems like everbody just wants to stick up a vid with nothing but a headline. Guess if I wasn't so dang lazy I'd set up accounts for Rumble and such on this box. Nah, I'll get by. Gonna replace this box anyhow, upgrade to Mint 22, might as well buy a new one and load it and make sure everything is moved over before wiping the old one. Okey-dokey, what month is it? June? Alright, what was I gonna talk about? May have the kittens adopted, much as I'd like to keep the little black one don't reckon I will. Be glad to hav'em gone tell you the truth, just mommy and me and Jessica, who likes having a cat named after her - too late to get rid of her now. The cat that is. Alright, won't know until November whether the Republic falls now or later, or rather the walls crash around us right away. Still spot checking 15-year-old ammo, know the stuff lasts practically forever but it pays to be safe and besides it's fun. Seeya.
One of the kittens is so perfect I just may keep it, whether him or her. If it's her I'll name it Jessica-6. Anyway, I keep the same playlist up on and don't ever get around to making one in chronological order. Got to do that, I like it good this way but the chrono method should be interesting. OK, what else? Need to take a pic of the cornfield, it's near head-high now, it was 3 May and just a few inches, what is is just over a month to four feet? Okey-dokey, need to get out there and take a pic, use it for a cover for my next album - Pink Floyd covers, "Obscured by Corn". Just kidding. Crop duster today, dunno what - maybe insecticide? Too tall for a wheeled spray rig. Guys make me nervous, risking life and limb every second. Funny thing (not ha-ha) they don't seem to get kilt a lot. Seems they did more back in the day though, when they had them old biplanes. Wonder if there any left, ain't seen one in years. Could google but it would either lie deliberately or use "AI" and spew out some garbage. Anyway, a dude married to Mom's cousin was a farmer, most of his family was farmers, had a crop-dusting business too like some did. Had four smoking hot daughters (once they grew up obviously) and flew crop-dusters a lot. Retired, up in his sixties, was out mowing a field at his hunting camp and overturned his tractor and kilt him. Dated one of the gals, she only a second cousin possibly removed once not sure how that works, for a while but we eventually ended up moving to different parts of the country about the same time we discovered we was kin. We shared a great grandmother with an unusual name is how we found out. Anyhow Jessica 6 was played by Jenny Agutter in Logan's Run, I kinda had a crush on her. Had Michael York, I always liked him too for some reason, didn't matter whether it was Logan's Run or the Three Musketeers films he always had that kinda wide-eyed "where am I and how did I get here?" look. Well, dunno about always but quite a bit, rather charming really. And of course Peter Ustinov gave a very charming performance. I haven't seen the apocalypse film he was in so I dunno how he did as Satan's minion, guess he was older by then. Anyway they did a TV version of Logan's Run, kinda enjoyed it. It had Heather Menzies as Jessica 6, liked her too, especially in Piranha. Sadly she perished from cancer a few years ago. Alright, catcha later. Was gonna get pics of the better elderberry trees but forgot my phone. Another week and the polk sallet be looking pretty good too. Revisiting Van Vogt's Weapons Makers books again, about third or fourth time. Going to write some stuff about some stuff and they're relevant. I've got some real old copies somewhere, back in the 50-60 cent days. Got my new old Ranger to the shop, ought to take a pic after get it detailed. New tires, not that it needed them, brakes and alignment, new battery, belts and hoses. Little over 1300, got a like new truck since it only had just over 150K when I got it. Get out and drive around some nights, go down and watch the Blackhawks going over at midnight. Been doin' it for a couple years at least. Stopped at my favorite county line store yesterday and decided to revisit a couple of old faves. I started drinking Charter maybe a couple of years ago after thirty or so years. Tellya the truth didn't drank much of anything for a few years, smoke neither. Charter was the goto back in the day, but guys older than me drank Ancient Age a good bit. You at a fish fry or barbecue or just a general party they'd have a few bottles of AA. Idunno, maybe it was cheaper but them guys didn't mind spending money on everything else. Don't actually know what liquor costs these days, hand over a C-note or two depending on how many bottles I got. Cash for likker and smokes, government and whoever else is snooping probably thinks I don't drink or smoke. Anyhow, last night had a couple of nips of AA, doesn't really grab me like Charter does. Whether either tastes the way it did forty years ago Idunno, Charter seems to. May give it another try and see if I get an impression. Speaking of seegars the tobacco shops in Jonestown succumbed to crime, at least the three I visited yesterday did. Everything under glass or behind the counter so no more browsing to see if there anything new. Okey-dokey, guess them shops probably don't make mos of their money from people like me, more the ones that got regulars know that they want and most of the business is at the drive-up anyway. Jonestown is getting more and more crime, lot of it from Memphis and the small towns around NEA are getting visitors from Jonestown. Bummer. AA comes in plastic bottles now, least all I found was. Don't like it, don't seem right. And I like the half-gallon bottles. The labels come off easy and I keep a couple of Charter jugs in the fridge, got one of them filter water pitchers I use to fill'em. Nothing like cold clean water, specially gettin' up at night and want a drink. Wonder how long they'll hold out with glass. So, I may want to talk like a millennial some, instead of a hick. That is millenials that start every sentence with 'so' isn't it? Idunno, it ain't here. Maybe it's another generation. Anyhow I probably won't know when to put a pause after the 'so' or not. Seems like the thing now is thirty-something women (the few men you see/hear in news and commercials don't to it) talking like Valley Girls. Not so much as the words - nomenclature is whatever the current thing is - but cadence and accenting. Breaking up sentences into two or three segments of real fast with pauses, know what I mean? Whatever. Anyway there no radio worth listening to on weekends, vast right wing conspiracy talk shows are mostly reruns - so I play music. Another one of my favorite all-days is a bunch of Tangerine Dream albums with some recent live sets. Since I just play them in alphabetical order they end with the Thief soundtrack. It's a little short compared to a lot of their stuff but I noticed there's an extended version I somehow missed. Cool, so I need to get that. Or so, I to get that. They did a bunch of soundtracks, Sorcerer was another good film they did and I don't seem to have that one in the library anyway. Seems they did the soundtrack for The Soldier, another good film with a young Ken Wahl. Haven't watched that in a while. Okey-dokey, something to do when I get time. Sunday evening, no right-wing talk show even reruns and still a few hours to bed. This Avantasia set from Wacken 2017 should do nicely. If I had the energy and inclination to go to Europe I'd like to do Wacken. Sadly that's part of the past, nice that we have good recordings these days and the equipment to enjoy them. A lot of the good stuff from the past didn't get preserved - one thing I liked about Ritchie Blackmore's Rainbow was that they recorded a of shows from both the Dio and Turner eras. Great stuff. Avantasia is a treasure, a bunch of talented and creative people getting together and having a good time. I can't imagine they're doing it for money, even if it does pay well. The metal scene from the 90s onward gave us a massive repository of seriously awesome music in such variety there's something there for everyone. Reminds me I need to revisit the Helloween set from Wacken 2018. That's one for the ages. I sometimes imagine Paganini being reincartated or otherwise recyeled into the late 20th century and figure he'd immediately toss the Stradivarius and grab a Stratocaster and a stack of vintage Marshalls. He'd probably fit right in. Got a project requiring a dedicated box for a while. Ordered up a Dell refurb at Amazon for two hundred, picked up a monitor at Wal-Mart for a hundred, a decent keyboard was another forty or so. That's a good one from Magegee. The old IBM PC-XT and those like them were the best - I'm still using an old one on this computer so old it has the PS2 connectors and I have to use a USB converter. That Magegee works good I'll get a couple more to use here. Anyway the Dell didn't have wireless so back to Amazon for a handful of USB WIFI plugs. First one I tried (about 15 bucks) worked out of the box and haven't even opened the more expensive ($25) ones yet. I'll have something to use them on. (Un)naturally it woke up with Windoze whatever they ship them with these days. Had burned a Mint 21.3 stick the night before and plugged it in. Up and running in a half hour. Okey-dokey. June about over so is half the year must about. 30 June is day 182 - this bein' a leap year - so 184 left to go. Believe that's right. More important things to think on, like changes to libations and smokes. Catchyalater. Text in images ![]() ![]() |