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Mon 01 Jan 2024 09:08:13 PM CST
So, I'm gonna start talking like a millennial.  Is that who that is that begins their sentences with 'so'?  Anyway the question is when is there a comma after the 'so'?  Dunno, could get confusing.  Like when to use.... nevermind, ain't goin' there.  Wouldn't be prudent at this juncture.  Or any other junctures I know of.  And is everything still 'like somethingorother'?  Like, enquiring minds wanna know.  Me I don't care. 

Anyhow I marked off a day on the calendar, it bein' about over.  1 March is the target date, figure there won't be too many bad days after February so there should be some decent ones in March.  'course a nice mild winter be nice, pretty wet but not much serious cold.  Then a nice damp summer without much serious hot.  That's the ticket. 

Make it just right for the farmers of course, a few dry spells of a week maybe, get the crops in and keep'em watered.  And of course all them trees I planted.  That would be pretty decent. 

Since the terrorists real or artificial didn't blow anything up big time last night guess it wasn't in the plans.  Should be an interestin' year though.  Serious checking inventory on certain items, some gonna continue growing at accelerated rates.  Don't really expect to get to next January without bein' in some of them there interesting times.  As if we ain't already. 

Night kiddos.

Sat 06 Jan 2024 06:38:38 PM CST
Purty cold and still wet from last night.  Noon before me and the kitty cat went for a walk.  Mild enough to dig a handful of holes for the last few pine trees.  Warmer tommorrow, sposedtobe, put'em in the holes.  Finally came in and tuk a shar and walkin' around in women's underwear ... just kiddin, khakis and sweatshirt and socks.  Jess catch me doin' that stuff I have some splainin to to.  Mark Levin's sense of humor may be close to mine, he playin' that song at Christmas.  May or not go back out, 'cept a smoke at midnight.  Bottle of E&J vanilla and one of them Good Times 4K Sweet Delicious.  Had one yesterday, they are delish compared to most sweets. 

Home alone all day, around 1700 put Dvorak's 9th and Blackmore's Night's Old Village Lanterne and Past Times With Good Company on and semi-snoozed for a while.  Pretty relaxing.  Don't hafta do any thinkin.  Candice has the most beautiful voice of any woman I heard sing in a long time.  One of'em.  Karen Carpenter and Annie Haslam been favorites for eight lustrum or more.  Candi also one of the most beautiful women on earth and seems real sweet.  Their live shows are fun and have a warm fuzzy feel to them.  Lanterne has been a fave for a long time, not sure how much different it is from the other studio albums, except in the usual evolution they go through.  A bit of a quirk is I Guess it Doesn't Matter Anymore, or not.  Ghost story, gives you a little chill if you're paying close attention.  Seems Ritchie and Candi wrote it.  I went back looked at Hunting Humans on Stranger in Us All to see if Candi was in on it but it was Ritchie and Doogie.  Creepy too, about vampires or some such.  Wondered why Ritchie didn't call up Joe Lynn when he reformed Rainbow that last time, dunno if he did and it conflicted with whatever Joe was doin' at the time or what.  Anyhow Doogie was great of course and Joe still rockin' big time.  Saw a vid I need to check out, this year or last, since he goin' without hair he looks seriously metal now.  Does great shows, stuff from Rainbow, Yngwie and other bands he's been with. 

Anyhow Lanterne also has Street of Dreams from the Rainbow days, some releases had two versions - one with Candi and Joe Lynn Turner, real nice.  Past Times is a live album and the title track is the song by Henry VIII.  Has 16th Century Greensleeves from Rainbow's Dio era, OK but prefer the original.  Ritchie laid it down on that and everything else on the On Stage (and other) live set.  Also has Soldier of Fortune from the Purple days, bleev David Coverdale wrote that one.  It works better than Greensleeves.

Mon 08 Jan 2024 10:58:47 PM CST
Went to Wallyworld the other day, buy my Wranglers there.  About time to get a new set, wear if I have to go somewhere decent.  Many years ago Dad bought a new truck, probably hadn't bought a new vehicle since '41 or so, brand new Merc, went over a hill and hit a car stopped in the road, no lights.  This's 1941 remember.  Two cars actually, one had mechanical troubles and dead in the water.  Or the gravel as it were.  Other car in front of it, somebody helpin' the stranded motorists.  Bigass fire, two or three died, forget which and didn't feel good askin' about it later on.  Traumatic for him, and got burnt.  Ended up in the road in the fire, burnin' gasoline, forearms and hands burnt, carried the scars to the grave as they say.  Girlfriend got her nose broke on the dash and some cuts but came out all right.  Six or seven months later he went to WWII, had his draft notice when he had the wreck but when he went to the draft board all bandaged up they tole him come back when he was well. 

He did and off to war he went.  North Africa, got there in time for the affair at the Kassarine Pass, got dinged by shrapnel or something.  Got bandaged up and they tole him go see some folks that was recording casualties and put in for a Purple Heart.  He didn't, so the George Washington medallion wasn't among his collection of decorations.  Got some little things and bronze and silver stars on'em - not the medals by that name, somethin' else, the number of stars told how many times you got it - and good conduct and whateverall. 

Didn't talk about the war much, when he did it was usually about stuff happened when they wasn't fighting.  Some funny stories, or messin' about with the indigs, whatever indigs are in Tunisia.  Wickedpedia says they about all Arabs.  Used to trade their cigarettes (if they didn't smoke as Dad didn't) for fruit and eggs and stuff.  Got to do some sightseein' later in Italy, where they went after Africa.  Made a lot of money (for them times I reckon) playin' cards with the other guys but felt bad 'cause Grandpa taught him better than to gamble and drink and such.  Anyhow he never bought a new vehicle for hisself, did for Mom so she wouldn't be drivin' somethin' old and more likely to break down.  Anyhow he says he gettin older and more people he knows is dyin' and he going to funerals so figured he'd get something nicer.  Dad practical that way. 

Back then used to ask Dad about other guys his age, what they did in the war.  One guy he'd say was in the Pacific, another went in the European invasion, that stuff.  Some others he'd just say "he didn't go" and leave it at that.  Didn't know then it pretty easy to get out of going if you wanted, had the right social status or money.  One feller, friends with one of his nephews my age, not his son though, same age.  He one of the ones that didn't go.  Told Dad when he left said "I'm going to make a lot of money on the war" and he did.  Farmer, raised a lot of cotton.  Dad come back he pretty well off. 

My bud's dad pretty well-off farmer too, but he went in the Marines first, then come back and farmed.  Maybe why his kid was a little better than his cousin.  He didn't like me either, even though I never give him a reason.  We grew up, one day the guy that didn't go to war and got rich died.  Seems they had some visitors over, got to missin' him and asked one of the kids of they'd seen him, kid said he takin' a nap in the garden.  Real young kid obviously, did't know he dead.  Heart attack ad 57.  Okey-dokey.  Turned out he'd not done well with his war profits and had a lot of debt.  And good insurance.  Fixed the widow up pretty good financially.  She'd spoiled the kids though, always gettin'em out of trouble (DWI, dope, stuff like that) when back the you'd go to prison for multi-years for possession of cannabis. 

Anyhows I's in Walmart and didn't buy any Wranglers.  Handful of T-shirts and such.  Long sleeve tees, them waffle-weave kinda cross between T-shirt and sweatshirt, and some Henleys.  Like 5-buttons better in that kinda shirt, but the fatigue sweaters about the only way to get that.  Wear these under reggelur shirts a lot, sleeves push up easy and stay up.  Good stuff too, I got shirts twenty years old from Walmart.  Course mostly good stuf like Wrangler.  These here is George brand, which when I googled I found out is a British company, apparently high-end originally, Walmart bought'em.  Still make goog stuff cheap, six-dollar tees and the others eleven or so.  None of them dudes up there me, or as good-looking.  And I ain't no prize, just ain't great looking models.  Anyhow I don't know or care to assess men's looks, women enough for me and I'm pretty good at that. 

Alright, buenos noches muchachas.

Sat 13 Jan 2024 09:29:05 PM CST
Two on the left look good, t'other don't.  And it one of the newer ones.  Ford generally takes a while to get a new design halfway figgered out, I bought a '93 Mustang when they said they gonna changed the look.  94s weren't no prize, especially the regular wheels.  GT wheels was decent but that about all.  Finally about '98 got close and the '99 about as good as it was gonna get for that version.  Then about '04 they went retro.  Very nice, but they had to effitup.  See, I didn't cuss, technically.  Have had a couple snorts though, and a seegar a while ago.  4K green sweet if anybody wants to know.  Then in 2010 they effedup the taillights.  Beats me why, except they had a damgoodlookin' and somebody just had to change something.  Then a few years later trashed the whole car.  What is it with people buyin' ugly cars. 

First Escapes looked good and I don't even like four-doors much.  Nice little beast though, handy runnin' around town and not bad for the few long trips, not much over a hunnerd miles.  Second generation hard to say if better but sure not worse.  But worse was comin' in 2013, squashed bug time.  Look like every dang car in the parking lot.  Even Corvettes starting to get uglified.  Friend buys a new one every ten years or so, ain't axt her yet if she gonna change again.  Like to think she won't but ain't my money and I don't have to be seen drivin' it.  Ridin' I can probably manage. 

Okey-dokey.  Got ice comin' tomorrow or Monday, indoors for sure.  Give me time to decide whether or not to plant another dozen or two red cedars out there in that patch, depends on weather but probably will.  'tween that and another row of willows on the creek, probably get it in. 

Better take care a couple of domestic tasks, got the place to meself 'til tomorrow night. 

Wed 17 Jan 2024 10:54:07 PM CST
Don't bleev I read all of these.  Decent, seems the author mighta been a little PC, or maybe just not excessively critical in his thinkin' of the narrative of the day.  The day bein' early '80s.  Wasn't gettin bad yet but you could see it coming.  Bailed out of the Air Force after one enlistment (six years instead of four 'cause it required for the job I wanted) but already the seeds of the DIE stuff goin' on now were germinating.  Just a slow-growin' weed.  Anyhow the author I'm pretty sure isn't the guy in R.E.M.  Anyhow I apparently wasn't that impressed and didn't continue after the first few.  Looks like it only ran a couple years and nine books.  May revisit and see if I want to pick up the remaining volumes.  Runnin' the usual five bucks average in the used books department. 

Covers show influence of the Executioner, guess it the the big dog among pulp in the modern age.  Lotta business for artists.  Not much info on the author, didn't do a deep dive.  Anyhow of you run out of classic pulp (don't seem much danger of new production slowin' down) check these out. 

Finally got some snow, real cold, may have got some froze pipes out in the crash pad.  Have to wait for it to thaw out and see where it's dripping.  Needin' an overhaul anyway, get that done when the generator goes in. 

Okey-dokey, done let the night get away. 

Wed 24 Jan 2024 05:13:20 PM CST
That was at the end of "The Gauntlet" back in 1977.  Was stayin' in my seat 'til the crowd was gone and happened to look at the screen at the end of the credits.  Cute, but fact is in ain't so any more.  Plenty of cops act that way, not as spectacularly of course but they some kinda dirty.  'course it was the politicians had'em do it but it's the politicians today doin' it. 

Anyhow pretty good flick, coming right after "The Enforcer" which would be the last Dirty Harry film for a few years.  1983 before he came back with what may have been the best but hard to say.  First three were pretty good.  Had a cool Frazetta poster, first thing I noticed when we walked up to the theater.  Funny 'cause Frank mostly did fantasy and some SF stuff, but I knew right away it was him. 

Pat Hingel dropped in, one of several he did with Clint.  He played a kinda loser in this one, not Judge Fenton or Chief Jennings, just one of his cop buddies that gets kilt by a sniper tryin' to nail Shockley (Harry's character).  Sondra Locke of course, Clint had a thang for her and she is several films about that time.  Not a great actor but serviceable, really was pretty good in this and in Sudden Impact. 

Okey-dokey, as Zook was always saying. 

Mon 29 Jan 2024 07:46:38 PM CST

OK, lookin good.  February almost here, get to the end of that and we good.  Except for tornadoes I reckon, and hope the last one we had was the last.  Coulda done without it bein the first but 'tis what is. 

Some snow and ground frozed for a while, then it thawed out and stay off the grass for a while.  Almost firm now, nice and sunny and sixty or so.  Been plantin' willows in the early winter and decided to try later, lost so many last year.  See how that goes, 'course the dry summer didn't help much.  The last bunch of cedars should go in tomorrow and tree plantin' done. 

Kitty cat happy, out catchin' mice and voles.  Birds better watch out, she likes to climb trees. 

Should go look for another old Ford Ranger to buy, just because.  Dunno if I should get some of the older ones with the Pinto motors or stick with the new ones.  Had enough timing belts break (one) that I don't want any more.  Just chang'em every 50K and yer good, I know, probably shouldn't be worryin' about it. 

Speakin' of Pintos, love to have about an 79-80 station wagon, clean.  Might even go with the V6 to not have the timing belt issue.  Drove my '76 out to Vandenberg AFB about 81, the E8 I worked for had an 80, same color as mine.  I liked the headlights better those last two years, he's tellin me he had it at the dealer in Lompoc and run into a guy with a Mercedes, let him drive it and feller asked he if he'd trade.  It a little Mercedes, like the 190 something, so not that absurd.  He declined the offer, as I would have.  Nice little cars though, same as the Rangers nice.  Simple, cheap and reliable.  Pushin' 270K on one of my '09s, the other got little over half that and clean as new.  Girlfriend truck. 
Things was dang near indestructible.  First one I had as a '72, had the 1600 motor.  Drove that sucker all over the place for two, three years I guess.  Wind that sucker out in second and when you bumped into high (3-speed auto) sometime on the right surfact it'd just chirp the tires a bit when it shifted.  Or not, dependin' on the pavement.  White with red and blue stripes, cute car.  Wanted something else, bought a '75 Nova, 2-door of course.  Put on headers, new manifold and 4-barrel and that dude would get it.  Dunno how fast, had a 120 speedo and never would run it over and maybe break it.  Wouldn't mind having bothofem back, the Pinto met a bad end.  Guy bought it for his daughter, 16-17 or so, about three or four months later I saw it jammed under the back bumper of a Buick on the main drag. 

Buddy of mine tole he, his dad a farmer and he drove a truck most of the time, only drove the car on pavement and kept it seriously clean.  Last one he had before he got married a dark green 80 Toronado, new wife started drivin' it.  Later he tole me women just won't take care of a car.  Tell me about it. 

Alright, gottago.  Seeya. 

Wed 31 Jan 2024 11:48:47 AM CST

Could be interesting this year, what with the big cicada event.  Had one when I was a kid, '60s I reckon.  That's when I was a kid anyway.  Not this big apparently, since they sayin' it's been a couple centuries and change.  Was a biggun anyhow, kid brother and I runnin' around all summer with buckets pickin' up shells, or knockin'em down mostly, carry a cane pole to reach up in trees and such.  And when you got cicadas you got cicada killers.  Dunno what they do when there ain't many cicadas, or when there a whole bunch.  Eat something else or the population adjusts?  Beats me.&ensp Big scary wasp though, but they didn't bother you normally  Had a bigass catalpa tree out back of the house, head cicadas buzzin' all the time, once in a while you hear one when a wasp ties into it, few seconds later hear'em coming down outa the tree.  Cicadas bigger than them, see'em dragging one sometimes.  Wickedpedia says sometimes they drag'em up a tree and take off from there with some altitude already.  Okey-dokey.&ens;

Been finding these little ones, last two three years.  Dunno if they mutant, just find a handful.  Course this year there be a whole lotta big ones, maybe more little ones?  Guess I could google "small cicadas" or something, but if unusually small cicadas are somehow socio-politically incorrect they wouldn't show it to me.  Are small cicadas not to be discussed?  Like midgets and dwarfs in people?  Hmmm...

Alright, nice day, went and drove one of my trucks off the driveway into the yard just after the freeze melted.  Didn't feel like tearin' up the lawn any more that it already was so left it sittin' there.  Got it out a while ago, not much ruts to fix.  Gonna extend the drive over that area anyway. 

Anyhow Iheart sucks diseased donkey balls.  Hardly ever listen to it on a phone, prefer using a computer.  If I ain't in the house I ain't listenin' to radio.  Anyhow the fuckin' steams die constantly, dead air, feeds walkin all over each other.  Error message says network issue.  Sure it is, gig fiber?  Bloated websites loading as well as they ever do.  Sadly about the only place to listen to vast right wing conspiracy talk shows is there.  They commies anyway, probably hate so much of their revenue comin' from people they hate.  Be glad when Trump 2.0 starts up next year, commies in the gulags and the political prisoners released.  Bet them folks where they havin' wars be glad too, the ones that's still alive anyway. 

Alrigt, bye-bye January.  29 more days. 

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