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November here, sumbuddy said somthin 'bout settin' clocks back. Okey-dokey. Probly forget but won't matter, computers and phones automagically do it, I don't have to be anywhere anytime. Hafta change the clocks in the vehicles, dunno if new ones like that or not, newest one I got an '09. The twin white 09 Ford Rangers and always lookin' for a clean one with low miles. Don't get much better than that. Liked my '93 Mustangs, all three of'em. Probably if I had the time I'd get a '93 GT, restored or well preserved. Or an early '70s Trans-Am. Too old and lazy to be fooling around with stuff like that. Used to run into Jim Dandy now and then around Jonesboro. Last time a few years ago at the big Wal-Mart there on Highland, went up to the checkout - itus long ago enough no self-check, forgot how bad gettin' in a Wal-Mart checkout line can be - and the old dude there in front of me. Didn't say anything, only talked to him once years earlier, wouldn't know me from Adam. Suggested to a friend looking for a band for the local fall festival thingamajig where she lived, she got'em in and I got stuck out of town and missed the show. So whenever I seen'em last, way back, was probably the last. Never a huge fan, theys pretty good though, and ol Jim Dandy's scratchy screeching was unique. Always figgered he havin' fun, probly would've done it if no money in it. They big in my younger days in the local area, bein' from Arkansaw, Black Oak not far from Jonesboro. Pretty hot about that time, I's in high school, '70s, they was at the California Jam in '72. We're talking big shots of the day, with Deep Purple and Emerson Lake and Palmer closing it out. Some of the kids went, I couldn't get away so missed one of Ritchie Blackmore's best ever temper tantrums. Wasn't really, if you hear his side of the story. He seems to be a pretty level-headed dude, just doesn't suffer fools gladly. Or any other way. Certainly one of the greatest musicians of the two centuries wherein he has lived, I suspect that if Paganini were recarninated or however else returned to this plane he would ditch the Stradivarius and grab a Strat and plug it in to some Marshall stacks. Imagine him and Ritchie jammim? Pags did play the guitar some. Seems Yngwie used some bits in a couple of his works, Ritchie seemed to favor Beethoven some. Apparently Uncle Lijiah was a rowdy youngster. Some of us were, some of us never grew up, some of us in prison, some dead. Anyhow he run his mouth about Ole Scratch one time too many. Seems feeling the devil grabbing his suspenders and decided to straighten up. Guess the devil comin' to Arkansaw wasn't quite like goin' down to Jawjuh. Anyhow, Uncle Lijian cleaned up his act pretty good, livin to a hunnert and five. Maybe more, since he seemed to be 'still cookin' at that age. Night kiddos. Founda guy has all of these, at least one copy of each, usually more. They ain't exacty sellin' like emmair hotcakes, whatever hotcakes are. Is that a southernism, or an alleged southernism I ain't never heerd livin almost my entire life in the south? Like I pretty sure I ain't never heerd anybody say 'gunnysack' in a conversation. Or 'gunny sack' whichever it is. Googled it and one of the alternate names is 'tow sack', which is what we allus called'em. Had taters inem sometimes, cottonseed too si remember, we planted some cotton in them days, whatever little amount you could plant accordin to the size of the farm. Weren't much, and the regulators'd come out and measure it to make sure you didn't exceed. We always planted some extra and when they measured we plowed under the excess. In case you didn't 'get a good stand' as we said, which mean all the seed come up reliably. This's 1960's agriculture, and they was regulatin' it even them. Manipulating actually. Anyways when we rented another farm we got a cotton allotment for it too, and could grow some there. One was right next door, so we'd put the cotton field on the two farms next to each other sometimes, rotation allowing. Anyhow we callled them big burlap bags toesacks, way we said it. Or toe sack, more often. 'nother southernism ain't never heard people say is scattergun. Ain't never heard it called anything but a shotgun, but thereya are, I's watching Charlie's Angels back in the day, notice I said 'watching' but ya couldn't help hearin' summuvit. Course it all dumb stuff, get you to look at the purty girls and was they ever purty. Even Kate Jackson wasn't half bad, and havin' to compete with Farrah and Jaclyn, she has my respect. Course Farrah left after the first season it seems, went on to become a decent actress despite the risk they get in being typecast as bimbos for doin a show like that. Mostly TV movies (she already that hairdo when she was in Logan's Run) of which I didn't see many. She was good in Small Sacrifices I remember. So-so in Saturn 3, but the film was horrible so.... ...as one of Charlie's Angels she was goin' undercover (they did that a lot) as a moonshiner's assistant. Don't remember why, anyhow the ole feller probly have some doubts bout this here city girl, he shows her a double and says "know how to use this?" to which Jill (that her character's name) replies "scattuhgunn? Whah shore!" Anyway, a hotcake seems to be a pancake, and I don't reckon anybody ever said somethin was 'sellin like pancakes' so there you are. Ole Joe though, he a secret agent a little different than most. A small series, about thirty, dude wrote'm was the brother of a real (formerly) live spy, CIA type. Wonder if he picked up some things there. Anyhow all Joe's adventures - except the first one - are contracts, the government hires him to do stuff. He lives somewhere in Arkansas, secluded mountain estate, and he's a serious badass. I recently found the one where he gets buried up to the neck and has honey poured on his head, Africa, ants, you get the idea. Don't have many, just found that one, read some other so they probably around here somewhere. Anyhow, probly try to run'em all down, bout every book there is got somebody sellin on Amazon or whereverall. Midnight approaches, out to the front deck with seegar and libation. Maybe a snack first, been busy today and didn't eat since the Slim Jim I had for breakfast. Or not, winter comin I ain't gettin' it worked off in the heat. Later. Surprised thisun been reprinted as many times as it has. Never had the cachet of some of the big pulpers of the day, but I guess it got some endurance. Bit a ahead of its time, come out in early '80s, I's a survivalist then but it wasn't nowhere what it is now. Some say there's as many as thirty million preppers as they call us now. Survivalist kind of a perjorative back then, usually in the news it was connected to something criminal. They said Eric Rudoph was a survivalist, how he evaded capture for so long. Could survive in the wild, away from civilization donchaknow? Don't explain how when they "captured" him he was clean-shaven with a trimmed mustache, had dyed black hair and wore a camouflage jacket, work clothes, and new sneakers. They say someone from civilization has helpin' him no doubt. Ya don't say. Reckon the folks that organized "white supremacist" demonstrations with guys in khakis and polo shirts with tiki torches. Pretty sure no self-respecting white supremacist/Nazi - if you could find one - would have a parade without actual torches. Or in preppie attire. Who knows if he did any of the crimes. They tried to hang the first one on some pore security worker, FBI harassed him and he lucky they didn't just go ahead and try to hang it on him. These days they would. He in bad health and died a few years later at 44. All that stress couldn't have helped him any. Clint Eastwood made a good movie about him few years back. Anyhow once they had Rudolph he figgered he done anyway and might as well spend the rest of his days in prison for allof'em as one or two. Sheeple was even sheepier then than they are now, so it all good. No sane person believes a word they say these days. Sadly there still not near enough sane people. Payin' attention anyway. Anyhow had it in mind to get one or two of them .40 carbines. Right popular these days, back in the day not many long guns in pistola calibers. Most was lever action, and for .347 or .44. Ruger had a little .44 auto back then, but it just four shots in the little 10-22 type magazine. Slick little rifle, handled good, like the 10-22 and Ranch Rifle, all nice litle guns. Marlin come up with the Camp Carbine around then, .45 and 9mm. Got one of each, the 9mm fun to plink with 'cause it had higher capacity magazine. Cool thing was the .45 used 1911 mags, and I always had a bunch of them. The Colt on the hip and carrying the Marlin around the backwoods, felt pretty safe. Dunno what would happen if I run into a big cat, but they wasn't seen in this neck of the woods back then. Anyhow one of them comes after you probably won't see it, it'll stalk you and pounce like a big kitty cat on a mouse. Ruger makes one if 9mm and .40, no 10mm looks like, and I'm thinking 10mm. The ten seems to be a little more popular these days, and has just a bit more punch. 'fi don't mind the military look the KelTec looks good but apparently no 10mm. Ain't seen one in person but looks like it would handle nice. Dunno, probly go .40 or 9mm and shoot everything twice? Anyhow, lookin' at them old books got me thinkin' on guns again. Only read the first dozen or so, not sure why I stopped. Probably work was cuttin' into my recreational readin about then. Jerry was into guns big time, wrote for gun mags some, eventually ended up as the president of Detonics, maker of his - and John's - favorite pistols. Don't look like Detonics around now, the website is now some Czech company makes some strange stuff. Jerry died a few years ago, rather young. Books was pretty good, kinda like the Executioner books lot of people shootin' other people with various kinds of guns. You can google "stream of 9mm parabellum" and get a couple of results. One or two of'em our friend Mack Bolan of course. Dunno if I'll run down the ones I don't have and read'em or not. Guessing not. Get into Dollar Tree pretty regular. Goin' by one or two of their stores ever time in Jonestown. Got a high-class one up north side, like you knew there was such a thing as a high-class Dollar Tree. Nah, nice shoppin center on the way out, mostuv the business there upscale. So the DT store is nice and clean, personnel pretty decent. For a Dollar Tree. 'bout the same size as the other two, mebbe a little bigger. But the clientele seems a little uppier too. Alrightythen. Anyhow everthing bein a dollar and a quarter now, some stuff in there worth a look for preppers. Mainly in the disposable category. Likely to lose things you using sometimes, specially knives and other tools. Ever tell you about that knife I musta lost a half dozen times, always found it again. We're talkin losin it out walking around, fallin' on the ground, only because I go over the same ground a lot I managed to find it. Finally decided to stop pushing my luck, carry cheapo don't care if I losed it kinda tools. Used to pick up one or two of these just because. Only a buck, and a quarter now, always got one in my pocket, one in each truck, one layin' on the desk now. Opening mail and them mini Slim Jims that you can't tear the skin open for some reason. The locker decent, for a buck. Pretty good blade (how hard can that be?) and good for general purpose use, opening boxes, trimming vegetation, digging in soft ground. Flimsy, plastic handles, much rough use and it get wobbly. Still works well enough. The whatever you call an imitation Swiss Army knife is decent. At least they didn't make it red like some imitators do. Probably cheaper, like tagless T-shirts. Who the fuck thinks its for the comfort of the wearer? It's cheaper, and without the tag you have to find the printing, I don't wear any white T-shirts so it's even harder to see, and it fades with washing on the ones you could see it on to begin with. People tryin' to squeeze ever last tenth of a cent outa something don't give a fuck and whater people gonna do? Demand tags? Anyhow the fake Swiss Army knife is decent. You got a reasonably functional pocket knife blade, bottle opener (any bottles with caps like that now? Beats me.) Nail file, guess that what it for, never figured worth it, scissors I bleev I have used a time or two. Corkscrew and screwdriver right handy, haven't used it on any corks though. Built a house and had the same knife the whole time. Handed out a couple to the helpers. Openin' paint cans, cuttin' string and wire, stuff like that. Anyhow, stashin' stuff to trade to people that wasn't prepared, few knives can't hurt. Spend fifty bucks a week on seegars, stickin a dozen or so of these in the stash ever now and then is sense cervell. Minimum order direct is 36, that's three dozen. Bleev dozens may be the general increment for bulk orders. Anyow I thinkin' about stuff you could buy a lot of cheap and use it to sell or trade to the less prepared. And have some use for myself now and then. We's builin the new house had the insulation fellers bring in a big truck with foam sprayers and turned the inside into something like a foam cooler. Efficient as that place was before, be in the 90s outside and ten to fifteen cooler inside. Stay comfortable all day even with the doors open mosta the time. Kinda like AC hardly ever come on all summer, be interesting to see how winter goes. Almost want a power failure or two, go out in the trailer and run the heaters off the propane bottles for fun, nuke some burritos and eggrolls now and then. Almost. Anyhow as I sayin after they sprayed the foam lining had to trim off what leaked out around the doors and windows. Take a good knife and bang it up or lose it - dunno how many tools got lost but probably quite a few. Learned next time I do this but about a hunnerd each Philips #2, star bits (like Torx or what we used to call'em) and the square ones for electrical outlets and switches. Don't really need that many except the Philips, dunno why they use them for anything takes more than hand energy to move. The star drives don't mess near as many less you careless, but they cheap, go ahead and put a stash somewhere and every time they run out go get'em there instead of drivin' into town. Remember where you put the leftovers for the next job. Anyhow, got out a pack of the 'steak knives' (some steaks I've eat be a challenge for them) and instead of puttin' a good knife to this base task I got'er done with one knife and tossed it in the toolbox for next time. So they good for stuff like that, course a feller ain't got nothing to cut with be glad to have one. So probably put a box of them somewhere. DT sells'em bulk 24 minimum. Same for the little paring knives, I've usually got one or two of them layin' around, open boxes, cut string, stuff like that. They two dozen minimum too. So's the bit one, buck and a quarter each, minimum order two dozen. That could be a serviceable weapon, if it all you got. Bought a few of them as recently as a couple months ago, all metal. Looked like the blade had aluminum molded around it. Real strong. Thinking if you had to make like Charlotte Corday it'd be a good tool. ![]() One of the weirder bits of the that affair for sure, shame a pretty young lady (if the picture is right) got her head chopped off but reckon quite a few wimmen got it that way, some of'em probably pretty young women. She had courage to be sure, and if you do what you believe has to be done in such situations you can pay a high price. I don't imagine Sophie and her comrades expected to pay that big, and might not have but they got a hanging judge for sure. All for now. 'bout time for a smoke. Okey-dokey, simple enough. They got lighters and matches. Diamond matches same you get at Wal-Mart or wherever. Ain't bought matches at Wal-Mart in forever, checked their site and it had them (one big box and ten little boxes) at 97 cents 'online price', $5.98 is the crossed out price, dunno what it means. Hope it ain't six bucks if you go in and get'em, that a little steep. Wallyworld does have the long fireplace matches if you want. They pricey too but if you need'em you need'em. So I'd check the store, usually they a bit higher on stuff that's in the tree. DT got some food stuff that's in Wal-Mart (Chef Boyardee comes to mind) that's cheaper for the same stuff, check the can size (15 oz) but just noticed they got theirs at 1.24, down from near two dollars a while back. Do a chef binge once in a while, do a different on each night, then it's back to the hybrid keto-fasting. Anyhow, back to fire starter stuff, they got Bic and Scripto , probably about the same price as Wally, them cheap ones I've had bad luck with. You can see they got fuel but a weak flame and then no flame at all. Probably stick with the name brand on them. The long ones, and the short long ones, work pretty well. Looks like they run two to five dozen bulk. Best to try one or two before buyin' a bunch, mebbe sticking with Bic or Scripto. Even the name brands ain't that expensive. 'course they got candles. DT got lots of stuff for people buyin' stuff for the house. These're Chinese mostly of course, probly toxic as all get-out. Sure the state of Kalifornia knows they're bad. Dunno if when you buy'em there they have that big warning on them. Probly not, place owned by the commies. Anyhow in an emergency you probably put up with some stuff to have light. And of course you tradin' them, someone else's problem. Keep a few of the little jars, and some of the long ones. Stick'em in a whiskey jug or a wine bottle. I keep a couple of those sittin' out, like decor. Know where a candle is if I need one quick. They got batteries of course. AA, AAA, sometimes C and D (dunno what them are used for these days) and 9V. Dunno about how long the last, sometimes they got'em with Panasonic and Kodak, so them probably supposed to be good. Kodak? Beats me. Looked at some folks talkin' about'em, says not much good. I use'm for the lights I get at DT and they last a long time, some pricey ones I've used ain't done so good. Best thing is not to be dependent on batteries, but if you may get stuck that way be a good idea to do some testing to see. Shelf life is important, and I've had bad experience with the fancy ones on that as well as life in use. Maybe do some testing and see what I come up with. The little flashlights pretty good to stash a few around here and there, work pretty good. The little thin ones with a magnet handy, had some failures with those, others working pretty good for a while. Kinda silly you have to hold the switch, instead of it bein' an on/off. Whaddya expect for a buck? And a quarter. And a dime or more in sales tax. Guess I should pick up some of the little laser pointer thangs, bleev they got a light and a laser. Might be useful on the keychain, which they seem to be made for. In any case they small enough to put in your pocket. Once in a while they have little lanterns, about the size of a beer can, just a bit bigger. Take three or four AA or AAA, pretty good battery life. Kinda fragile, drop'em and you got pieces that may or may not go back together right. Like the flashlights and candles, set one up here and there where you can get to it in the dark pretty easy. Okey-dokey, what else they got you can use in a disaster? Lemme take a look around. Yeah, it Thanksgiving. Most of the folks out of town, managed to avoid the one that remembered to ask me over for lunch. Get some work done. Okey-dokey, end of November. Finish off with the emergency lighting. Speaking of Dollar Tree, they got them solar powered lights, buck and a quarter apiece. Ain't much more at Wally-World, and bigger selection. Seasonal of course, so spring and summer when they got'em, lawn and garden at Wally's. Thang is, you put'em outside to charge, bring'em at night for a little light. Winter they probly won't charge enough to run all night, and don't live much over a year. Can come in handy though. Got a couple of them pretty oil lamps couple of years back, Plandemic I was just ending, stores still out of a lot of stuff. Try building a house about that time. Six month back order on everything from windows to appliances. Anyways, Wal-Mart used to have them oil lamps in the candle section. Most stores were out, I'm in Jonestown couple of days a week, the humongous big store there had'em most times. Got some bottles of fuel as well. And extra wicks. Aladdin been around forever, make all kinds of oil lamps. Kinda prepper-oriented as well, make fancy stuff looks nice and useful too. Seems they cater to folks inclined to have a need for light in places where the electricity don't go. The cheap Chinese ones don't look bad, leave a couple sittin' around where you can fill and light if you need to. The regular clear oil best, lot of colored and scented oils. Or you might like those. Probly should talk about heat sometime, maybe next month. Text in images
Oh Uncle Lijiah, Uncle Lijiah He's still alive
Oh, Uncle Lijiah, Uncle Lijiah A hundred and five There was a time early in life When he gambled to gain And he carried a knife And he was winnin' that very night He cussed the devil, yes he cussed him good; He swore he'd lick 'em Yes, he swore he could And he dared him to come to Him if he would. Yeah! Oh Uncle Lijiah, Uncle Lijiah He's still alive Oh Uncle Lijiah, Uncle Lijiah A hundred and five Uncle Lijiah (Black Oak Arkansas -1971) It was early in the mornin' when he got to bed To rest his weary gamblin' head When he heard the angry words his pappy said: "Lijiah go and fetch some wood!" He heard his words and up he stood Even though it hurt, he knew he should. Yeah! Oh Uncle Lijiah, Uncle Lijiah He's still alive. Still cookin'! Oh Uncle Li--jiah, Uncle Lijiah A hundred and five Outside he heard the rattle of chains And he ran from someone He thought insane As he heard the devil Callin' out his name The devil grabbed his suspenders well And he trembled As he felt the hand from hell And he let out with a hairy yell He jumped in bed with his Maw and Paw And he told 'em that the devil was in Arkansas And he told 'em he'd quit gamblin' or break the law. Yeah! Oh, Uncle Lijiah, Uncle Lijiah He's still alive. Still cookin'! Oh, Uncle Li--jiah, Uncle Lijiah A hundred and five. Yeah! Uncle Lijiah (Black Oak Arkansas -1971) ![]() RANGOON PAID OFF FOR JOE GALL -THE HARD WAY PAGODA JAMES ATLEE PHILLIPS Complete and Unabridged 72819-75 FAWCETT Agent Joe Gall on a mission so secret that not even he could be informed of the real objective. The first card in the deadly game was THE SILKEN BARONESS A novel of international intrigue by PHILIP ATLEE author of "THE GREEN WOUND" Joe Gall's 7th contract- A wild chase through the deadly world of Latin American intrigue. Pursued by the strangest assassin ever devised. THE ROCKABYE CONTRACT By PHILIP ATLEE T2450-75 FAWCETT Joe Gall sets a fiery trap for a gang of terrorists in this explosive new adventure of intrigue and violence THE CANADIAN BOMBER CONTRACT By Philip Atlee $17 GALE CHALLENGES A BIZARRE KILLER IN IRELAND THE SHANKILL ROAD CONTRACT By Philip Atlee ![]() IF CIVILIZATION WERE DESTROYED TODAY- WOULD JOHN THOMAS ROURKE BE ABLE TO SURVIVE...? THE JERRY AHERN THE SURVIVALIST SURVIVALST SURMWAHIST TATAL No.1: TOTAL In a world maddened by destruction could one man survive? War BY JERRY AHER JERRY AHERN Published by SpeakingVolumes ![]() TOOL BENCH Folding Knife Couteau de poche 8 USES! 8-in-1 Multi-use Knife Couteau tout-usage 8-en-1 SCISSORS KNIFE CAN OPEN PHILLIPS SCREWDRIVER BOTTLE OPENER NAIL FILE SCREWDRIVER CORKSCREW 10 products for "lighter" Views Views Views Products (10) Content (0) Site Information Sort By Relevance Butane Candle Lighters, 12 in. Scripto Views Adjustable Flame Lighters, 2-ct. Scripto Hybrid Refillable Lighters, 6.625 in. Minimum You Can Buy: 60 (1 case) Minimum You Can Buy: 72 (1 case) Minimum You Can Buy: 48 (1 case) $1.25 $1.25 Per Unit Per Unit $1.25 Per Unit 3 pack BIC BIC Long Refillable Utility Lighters lighter RIC Slim Flick Lighters 3v0 875 in Shop PLUS! X Minimum You Can Buy: 60 (1 case) Minimum You Can Buy: 36 (1 case) $1.25 Per Unit $1.25 Per Unit DISPOSABLE CHILD RESISTANT LIGHTERS Read warning on back of card before using KEEP OUT OF THE REACH OF CHILDREN V-I ite Dicnocable Child Docictant Track Orders Account Minimum You Can Buy: 72 (1 case) diamond STRIKE ON BOX MATCHES 32 COUNT diamond® Strike On Box Matches Lights Quickly & Easily 300 LARGE KITCHEN MATCHES greenlight Wood for this product comes from 1 FSC-certified forests diamond STRIKE ON BOX MATCHES 32 COUNT Cart $1.25 Per Unit Scripto Animal Print Lighters Matches, 300-ct. Packs Diamond Greenlight Large Kitchen Diamond Strike-On-Box Mini Match Boxes, 10-ct. Minimum You Can Buy: 72 (1 case) Minimum You Can Buy: 24 (1 case) Minimum You Can Buy: 24 (1 case) $1.25 Per Unit $1.25 $1.25 Per Unit Per Unit Per Unit NEW! Per Unit Per Unit LUMINessence AROMATHERAPY JARS Healing Rétabliss VOL ag SCENTED CANDLE/BOUGIE LUMINessence Energy Energie SCENTED CANDLE/BOUGUE 30Z (85g) Per Unit Luminessence(TM) Aromatherapy Scented Candle, 3-oz. Clear Diamond Jar Candle with Lid, 3 oz. Luminessence Aromatherapy Healing Scent Jar Candles, 3-oz. Mason Jar Scented Candle - Energy, 3 oz. Minimum You Can Buy: 12 (1 case) Minimum You Can Buy: 12 (1 case) Minimum You Can Buy: 12 (1 case) Minimum You Can Buy: 12 (1 case) $1.25 $1.25 Per Unit Per Unit $1.25 Per Unit $1.25 Per Unit 48 products per page Page 1 of 2 > SMALLER QUANTITIES SMALLER QUANTITIES LUMINessence APPLE CINNAMON POMME ET CANNELLE SCENTED CANDLE/BOUGIE PARFUME 2.5 x 2.8 in (6.35 x 7.11 cm) See bottom panel for safety information Le consignes de sécurité figurent sous le produ SMALLER QUANTITIES Ev v 4.2 Tall Red Glass Jar Candles, 8 in. 4.1 Luminessence Apple-Cinnamon Scented 3.9 Pillar Candles Luminessence Red Taper Candles, 2-ct. Packs TI 8 Minimum You Can Buy: 4 Minimum You Can Buy: 4 Minimum You Can Buy: 4 $1.25 $1.25 Per Unit Per Unit Mi $1.25 Per Unit Last updated: Thu 30 Nov 2023 08:19:19 PM CST : 1701397159 |