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Tue 16 May 2023 09:45:31 PM CDT Tue 16 May 2023 09:45:38 PM CDT Guess now we're in the last days of May, near anyway. Gettin hotter, drier. Or is that dryer? Nah, that's where you put the wet clothes, the ones from the washin' machine anyways. Gonna change main domicile shortly, soon as construction done. Reconstruction anyways. GF and sisters ganged up and want me somewhere safer, after the tornado tore off my smokin' room. Might as well, little further off the road, eighth mile or so of gravel. Not bad, coming and going in my old trucks most of the time anyway. Big front porch goin in, dunno if I'll screen some or all. See how the skeeters are, like I don't already know. Craziness total now. Couldn't even try to guess, or want to. It's in good hands, and while I never figured to see the end of the age or one of the events along the way, could be I do. Always had wars and rumors of'em. Famine and earthquakes not on a grand scale just yet. Of course plenty of people claimin' to be the Messiah, always been some of them. But the really bad stuff ain't goin' down yet. Some dry runs for sure, people bein' handed over for persecution and death here and there, the U.S. is pretty much hated by all nations these days. Eschatologists - I ain't one of them always tellin' folks how it gonna be, like they know - but I see the signs, know that they are. We know what they are, but not the schedule. People thought for hundreds of years it was real soon now, grew up with people passin' around recordings by Estus W. Pirkle and the like. Skeered me silly, thinking one day I'd wake up and they rounding us up and chopping off heads if they didn't like the way you talked, or didn't talk the way they wanted. Just doin' it on a small scale now, seein' how much they can get away with at the time. Things don't change, that time may not be far off. Of course a lot of them there eschatologists don't believe the U.S. exists by that time, or does but has a minor role if any in the world. BRICSIA+YUIOP or whatever it is seems to be making that the state of affairs. May be right.
Thu 18 May 2023 10:42:42 PM CDT
That's for sure. Probably some wish they was, way they feel. Ain't been there yet. One of my favorites is "That which does not kill me has made a grave tactical error" ( Jerry Pournelle). He was a right sensible fellow, so sensible in fact that I wonder what people sayin' about Lucifer's Hammer these days. Probably should read it again one of these days. He wrote that with Larry Niven, of course. They did some good stuff together. Gonna remodel the library anyway, probably spend too much time reading while I'm doing it. During cleanup lot of stuff gettin' thrown out. Collection of 8-tracks and cassettes, just there because they were there. Maybe a couple of generations from now someone be interested in them, but not today. No one seems to care about anything, especially quality. The vinyl records will remain, almost all played just a few times on high-dollar equipment and transferred to cassettes. Even the CD collection will probably remain in boxes. Probably set up a small system, yank the TEAC stack out of this and hook a computer with the music and video library, with a modest size screen. I remember when 25" TVs were big, probably use a 30" or so just because. Probably get some new speakers too. Just because.
Could sell all the stuff, but too much trouble, don't have the patience for foolin' with people, can't even give stuff away without wasting half a day. Parked a couple of containers out back, amazing how quick a 2K container becomes a 4K once its delivered. They probably be full of stuff before you know it. Brought the toy hauler down from Jonestown, wasn't using it much anyway. Parked it in front of them and set up a little office in the cargo section. Couple of computers, and some beverages in the living quarters. Disappear out there now and then, got an alert on the driveway and monitor so's I can see people comin' when they yet afar off. Couple hundred yards anyway. Sun 21 May 2023 10:21:49 PM CDT
Pretty much. Vox is right about 90% of the time, like El Rushbo. He don't usually say what gonna happen, just says what is happening and you got to figure out where it might lead. The important part that he actually tells you what happened or is happening, whereas the "news" constantly lies. Unless they just don't talk about something at all, until they're forced into it. Then they lie. Lot more of the involuntary lyin' these days. So much out there can't be ignored. When does it break? Beats me, just tryin' to be ready. Jesse Kelly been thinkin' lately we gonna have us a Franco-type come along and waltz in because things are that bad, people gonna demand it. Maybe, not that someone who just kills commies and leaves law-abiding people alone would be a bad thing. I still see it lookin' more like a French Revolution scenario, if things break the wrong way. Or the right way, whichever. Millions of angry people, angry and now scared, heavily armed and hard to pin down anywhere. Army useless (and outnumbered about 20-1) and "law enforcement" non-existent. Fed suits and their minions be gone in a few minutes, local either join the partisans in the free states or barricade themselves in with their masters in the cesspools. Interesting times ahead. Wed 24 May 2023 11:20:29 PM CDT
Some thinkin' the government can fix all that, digital currency. Wouldn't, and even then take a long time to get it rolled out down to street level. Too many holes, cracks that can't be eliminated and the system still function somewhere close to normal. And in anycase the preparations already made, long before. Just waiting until needed. Communications easier to throttle than commerce and even that can be bypassed. Way these people think though, like they're the smartest guys in the room. Which is a good thing. Heavy D announced he wants to be president, broke Twitter. Wouldn't be surprised if he had some help, DOS attack on top the heavy traffic. Hafta wait and see how it goes, Trump could ruin it big-time if he doesn't get the nomination, or if he does. What happen if RFK jumps in? If he looks like winning in the primaries there's ways to prevent that. If he does a third party run there's ways to stop that too. About now some dude writing in his blog or whatever he got a thing for Jodie Foster. And Kennedy needs to stay out of hotel kitchens. Sun 28 May 2023 11:26:28 PM CDT
Haman had ten sons. It seems that they were killed in the fighting that occurred when the Jews were attacked by the Persians. They joined their father on the gallows. Eleven hangings. After the Nuremberg trial of the big dogs, eleven death sentences were issued. Goering cheated the hangman and only ten swung while still (however briefly) respiring. In the Persian fiasco the mastermind ended his life on the rope, while his ten sons were hung up afterwards, and being dead they didn't know the difference. Or care, presumably. Seems Haman got to sweat some first. I know in some accounts Haman was impaled rather than hanged, so there you are. Either way wasn't much fun I reckon. In each case eleven hangings, in the latter case eleven were alive when they paid up, with one escaping the embarrassment. And discomfort. Haman was the only one alive to enjoy it. So eleven perps - there were a lot more Nazis that died but the eleven were the biggies - hanging for trying to exterminate the Jews in their dominion. Actually I don't believe they hung Goering up, just incinerated his corpse with the others. Still some interesting parallels. Okey-dokey. Time for the midnight cigar and bed. Get the new place finished be on the front porch all the time, the view from the back porch not bein' all that great. Front really good though. Wed 31 May 2023 09:29:53 PM CDT
It's the last days of May, finally. Last day in fact. Outlaw Stinky Joe is where we meet Shirley F'n Lyle, a character that certainly makes an impression. Like many of Clayton's characters, she's uncomfortably realistic. A 400 pound trailer park prostitute. At least we get a hot (kinda) Ukrainian stripper. Don't ask me, he writes this stuff and makes it both believable and entertaining. Shirley gets her own series, which I haven't read yet. Still two or three weeks away from bein' in the new house. Mean to ask someone on the discussions these days if he's read the Jim Kjelgaard books about an Irish setter that had some adventures. Outlaw Red was nothing like Stinky Joe. Kids books, years ago. But Clayton likes dogs, so maybe he read'em as a kid like I did. He calls'em as he sees'em though, and seems to see pretty good. Sometimes his rural noir becomes rebel noir, which is still rural only the good ole boys is figgering to protect the republic. Movin' the library gonna be some work, just moved it two years ago and hadn't really got it organized. Gonna be in storage until I get the plans for the new one set. Thinkin' on some options. Gonna leave the toy hauler parked behind the shops, out of sight from the road. Got a little office in the cargo bay, where I am now. Not bad, but stuff always breakin' on RVs, water, electricity. It ain't likely to be on the road again though, so not much of a problem. Can hide out here and decide whether to go see who the visitors are or just watch'em on the screen til they leave. They start prowling around out of camera range, may have to investigate. Way things are going, in ten years everything blood and fire, all over, or blood and fire in the places folks are leaving to come here in the free states. Hoping it keeps the government too busy to bother us. We pretty comfortable, won't even bother watching it on TV. Maybe read about it once in a while. Well, could take the time to redesign this site, or not. Hafta think on it. Later guys. Text in pics Matthew 24 3 As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately. "Tell us," they said, "when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?" 4 Jesus answered: "Watch out that no one deceives you. 5 For many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am the Messiah,' and will deceive many. 6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. 7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of birth pains. ![]() "Pretty standard procedure for quite a while now, Robert said. "Solomon's Creed, the Penrose affair, and quite a few that didn't get so much attention. But worse in recent years. Apparently the Penn Creek operation went wrong, seriously wrong. Another organization interfered, one that was well organized and well armed. Killed a few of the government personnel, blew up their vehicles, and thoroughly humiliated them. Right in front of the news crews from all the major outlets, there by invitation." Balance of Power (Enak Nomolos - 2023) ![]() If it hurts you ain't dead yet. ~ Someone. ![]() I came to much the same conclusions for very different reasons, but the important thing to keep in mind is that even a fairly basic knowledge of what has passed for science for the last 30 years will rapidly convince anyone of sufficient intelligence that a) the scientific narrative is not only false, but impossible, b) science doesn't offer rational explanations for the vast majority of things it purports to explain, and c) the scientific profession is actively engaged in hiding and/or explaining away a considerable amount of information that directly contradicts the scientific narrative. Vox Day ![]() "In other words, you have nothing." Whittaker said. "What has the FBI been doing for the past twenty years? After Oklahoma City you knew what these people are capable of." "We've been investigating, Jane." Boling despised the president's chief of staff, as did most of the cabinet. She wasn't especially bright, and whatever he said would go in one ear and out the other. He looked over at General Anthony, who like most of the others was avoiding looking directly at anyone. "We've got forty-four thousand people, over half of them are field agents. They've been working on domestic terrorism non-stop ever since Oklahoma City, and we're on top of over three hundred cells of suspicious actors. And every tip that comes in is thoroughly investigated, even the crackpots. "Since the first transmission towers went down and the railroad bridges were blown, we've detained over two hundred fifty suspects..." "Four weeks." Whittaker said. "And nothing? Even if they're not talking you should be able to trace their movements. Where they've been, what they bought, what's in their computers. You mean you don't have a clue?" The Homeland Security director broke in. "We suspect the planning and preparation was done long ago." he said. "Someone was waiting for the right moment to strike." "There must be a trail, at least of recent movements." Whittaker said. "These people are by nature secretive." Jordan said. "They're out there in the open country, living in small towns and rural areas. They use burner phones, prepaid debit cards and cash, private mailboxes. They're partly, in many cases mostly, off the grid." "That should have been dealt with long ago." Whittaker said. "There's no need for anyone to be using cash for anything. And phones and cards that can't be traced, who ever thought that was a good idea?" Balance of Power (Enak Nomolos) ![]() Esther 7 7 In his fury, the king arose from drinking his wine and went to the palace garden, while Haman stayed behind to beg Queen Esther for his life, for he realized that the king was planning a terrible fate for him. 8 Just as the king returned from the palace garden to the banquet hall, Haman was falling on the couch where Esther was reclining. The king exclaimed, "Would he actually assault the queen while I am in the palace?" As soon as the words had left the king's mouth, they covered Haman's face. 9 Then Harbonah, one of the eunuchs attending the king, said: "There is a gallows fifty cubits high at Haman's house. He had it built for Mordecai, who gave the report that saved the king." "Hang him on it!" declared the king. 10 So they hanged Haman on the gallows he had prepared for Mordecai. Then the fury of the king subsided. ![]() Something happened in his forties. Before, he'd fret about offending the rules of man, as if they meant something. After forty, Lester knew the kind of men who became legislators, and quality of their minds. Their souls. Made it hard to care about breaking their laws. Outlaw Stinky Joe (Clayton Lindemuth) Last updated: Wed 31 May 2023 09:25:14 PM CDT : 1685586314 |