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Third half of March, as one of the ole geezers on the local radio used to say, ever mornin', 0700 to 1000. Mom listened to the radio all day, she what they later called a stay-at-home mom. Dad a farmer, back them we called her Mom, accountant and general manager, organic farmer (Mom and Dad had near half acre garden and couple hundred chickens), taxi driver, seamstress (we had some cool clothes, people askin' where we got'em) whatever else. Takin' care of the house was pretty trivial after all that. Of course we kids learned early to take care of our housekeeping obligations, so the load was less. Radio and and local radio how we knew what little was goin' on. Played country music all afternoon, about six had an hour of jazz, called it Bourbon Street Parade. Later I learned it was the title of some I guess iconic jazz song. Mom turned it off and that was it. As a teenager I started listenin on my radio at seven, three hours of top 40 stuff. A bit later I dated a sweet chick, year or two younger, she a DJ at the station. Still tear up as they say, almost some days I think about her. Beautiful gal, nice. Perfect radio voice. Coulda gone to Memphis, do as good as any of them. All them timelines, Paul could see'em and not know which was gonna happen. I couldn't see'em. Sure didn't see the ones that did. ![]() She dumped me, tellya the truth. I never considered myself no prize to look at, wasn't even rich then. Had a good job at a bank, bright future most would say. Just say someone kinda close to her, not give any clues to someone local readin' this, except her obviously. Lezzie someone, fixed'er up with someone less desirable than I was. His family did have a bit of money, not as much as mine but we didn't go on what we might inherit someday. He less visually attractive I'd guess. OK, wasn't ugly, about the same. Ize figuring we didn't even need to be talkin' bout gettin married after no more'n a couple months, never even had a conversation about it. Whatever it was theys married in a few months. She quit the radio station pretty quick. No need for more sordid details. Ran into her, lessay on a regular basis and now why or where, like socially or work or whatever. Began to talk pretty regular. Admitted she married the first guy asked her, figuring there might not be another. Made me sad. She not happy, just enduring what she got herself into because leaving didn't look any better than bein' in it. Did I mention she not just good lookin' and personable, smart girl too. Never saw the insecurity I guess . Idunno though, about the other possible time-lines. What if I just up and asked her to marry me? She say yes. I'm twenty or twenty-one, she a couple years younger, seems about after a year after she graduated. I wasn't ready and she sure wasn't. Or if she got a job at one of the big stations in Memphis. Not a fit environment for a girl like her. She either repelled by it or she gets sucked in or tries to find a path she can live with, she be able to? Funny about people. A popular song on the pop stations then was Lyin' Eyes. Said she wasn't allowed to play it because it was about adultery. Said some other songs, like Run Joey Run 'cause the gal was knocked up. Plenty of other reasons not to play the latter. Anyways, during the day the country songs was things like The Grapes in Mary's Vineyard (and lots of songs about adultery and murder) but it was just background music to the older folks. Green stuff coming. My old maypops on sumacs got overrun with something, all gone. Go out and plant some more in a while. Dogbane just kinda fun to grow in a big circle, over by the ponds. Probably have some of the folks cuttin' bamboo for stakes and such. Planning on just some termaters and artychokes, to be pickled. Everything else from the farm. Tempted sometimes to raise some chickens, but not sure if I want to put a setup here on the place. Hafta think on it some. Wed 22 Mar 2023 10:34:52 PM CDT
Up on Crowley's Ridge, few miles up from Cherry Valley , feller built this. Ain't there now, just some of the foundations. Relative of mine owns it now. Built a more sensible house. Dude working for something, county road department maybe, don't remember. He in a truck, feller driving the truck drove in front of a train. Busted up big time, paralyzed. Sued the railroad, got a handful of millions, seems like eight or nine. Kinda like winnin' a lottery for most folks. Spent it all quick, quite a bit on this. Fancy, builtin entertainment and all, elevator. Soon the money gone and all he got is this big ole house he can't afford to keep it up. Tried selling for a long time, price coming down from a few million to one or so. Finally it burnt down. Just like that. Insurance company didn't wanna pay, lawyer that got the first prize for him got a little bit from the insurance company, but not much. Relative bought the land. Nice up there, further down south state park. Runs over into St. Francis county, don't go there. Deer out the wazoo, don't have huntin' in the park, but around the edges the deer always jumpin the fence and goin' out in the fields. When the have the couple days deer season there you can shoot'em outside. I read somewhere, thought it was in Wickedpedia but can't find it now, said the Craighead County Landfill was taller than the highest point on the ridge. (It's on the flat land west of the ridge) Maybe I take a better pic someday when I'm driving by. Probably not.
Fri 24 Mar 2023 01:03:39 AM CDT
Ordered a little radio so I could listen to vast right-wing conspiracy nutjob talk radio, get the skinny on what's goin' on in the world, out here in the country where I stay most of the time hafta pay the telcos for data, ain't gonna. Use all the leftover to download music and movies. Anyways the one on the bottom, 30-40 bucks at Amazon, looks cute like old-timey, junk. Got a little pocket radio I picked up at Big Lots or somewhere, had it for years, still works fine. Uses AA batteries though. Anyhow the one on top, state-of-the-art, rechargeable phone battery, digital display so you can see the station instead of messin with the dial. Works pretty good so far. Never know about the Chinese stuff though. Hit-and-miss, and you try to find the ones that hit more than they miss. We'll see how it does. National and world matters pretty much as usual. The clown world regime continues to trip over its own feet and the larger world mostly ignores us, just keeps an eye on the shenagigans to prevent any damage to their members. For now it's a question of how bad things get before the election, and that will be the inflection point as Joetato often sees on the teleprompter. Could do an analysis and see how often that phrase occurs in proximity to Ultra MAGA, but don't really care. Either he and the rest of them go next November and some stuff gets fixed, hopefully long term this time, or not. Reagan had to spend his first term fixing stuff, and the good he did in the next four years was largely wiped out by Bush 41. Fixing the Carter debacle was trivial compared to what will be required this time. Trump-DeSantis followed by DeSantis-whoever for another eight years, assuming decent congressional majorities, could do some good. That's assuming a lot. Eagle Claw, for you young folk, was a desperate attempt by Carter to free the U.S. Embassy staff held by the Iranian muslim theocracy that seized the embassy after Carter facilitated their successful takeover of a stable and sane, if not very nice regime. With the election approaching, one he was almost certain to lose, he lost a bunch of hardware and worse, eight human beings who signed up to defend their country. I can forgive the incompetence and weakness but not sacrificing the lives or fighting men who trusted their leaders. Few will make that mistake today. At least under the Shah they weren't sponsoring terrorist attacks all over the world and acquiring nuclear weapons. Thanks to Slick Willie, Ovomit and now Joetato they are very close to accomplishing that. Yeah I know, we had Bush 43 in there, and he most of his time working for the cabal and almost nothing to repair the damage of his predecessor. I done stayed up too late, hafta see whether or not any of the world left that's worth savin. Sun 26 Mar 2023 09:07:48 PM CDT
Spring finally underway pretty good. Can put up with the wind and rain, long as it ain't 24/7. Can get a smoke in the screen room, took the glass down today. Stopped at one of my favorite likker stores other day, they always got a little box of POM cigars there on the counter. Or is Pom? Caps on the package, but who knows. Actually I already smoked both the packs (it WAS Wednesday) so I googled'em. They're POM POMs. Not bad, not the flavor selection of Good Times, or the taste. Wish Swisher'd make their little 5-packs in some other flavors. Got regular sweets, and grape. I'll pass on the grape, unless it's the ones they make white wine from, whatever they're called. Or pink wine, whatever they called. They advertised as 4 3/8 x 28 1/2, whatever size it is it's just right. The foil wrap messed up for a while now, the zipper thing don't work right, most've the time can't get hold of the tab to pull, end up puncturing the skin with my fingernail. No bueno. They'd make'm in maybe vanilla, cherry, and maybe a cognac, that would be great. He's right of course. We don't have anything to fear from it, only from the sheeple who believe it's real. Given that it's engineered with an agenda and can only respond as programmed. The deluded masses are the danger. Rarely does the concept of some sort of intelligent AI entity get any serious scrutiny. Herbert explored it in some depth, and Dan Simmons in his Hyperion Cantos. But like how did the universe begin, how does an intelligent entity emerge from the efforts to create one. If that was what they were doing, and while some probably to believe it's possible, most are only interested in using it as a propaganda tool. Since last week didn't go well for the regime, and I don't watch the talkin' head shows on weekends, dunno what folks are exercised about. Did seem something about a dude in a film called "Creed III" (googled it and looks like a black Rocky or something, anyhow some actor in the film, Army made a commercial with him. Seems it was one of them "be all you can be" reboots they's doin. Canceled'em. WTF? Somebody black bein canceled, speshly for a crime - seems he assaulted and strangulated some woman. Only decent people that act normal get canceled. And the Army is "be whatever you want to be or say you are or think you are" these days. Hope we never have to rely on them for defense. Of course they're as likely to be turned on us, or try to anyway. So it's best if they are a bunch or mentally ill pervert weaklings, easier to handle. Tue 28 Mar 2023 07:17:55 PM CDT
This merits commentary. I've discussed it with a few folks, thinking types. Not them that see what's on the news and never look underneath, peelin' off layers of the onion. As the feller said, you see something dark there, peel some off, to be sure you take off another layer and for all that work you got yourself an onion. A smaller onion at that, but it's all onion and nothing but onion. I figured it for another setup job. More so now. Got the added element of a decidedly mentally ill person no question. Some of the school shooters probably a little dodgy but woulda been all right if not for the drugs they put in them. Know a thing of two from personal experience. And from seein' what they did to a couple people I knew. Once they start they invariably escalate - more of same and some new on top of it - if something doesn't stop them. And kids have no control over it to begin with, beginning as pre-teens in most cases. At the mercy of the doctors their parents took them to see. There's kids dead now, or in prison forever, that wouldn't be there if not for the Medical Industry. No money in healthy people, none in dead people, except a one-shot for the funeral business. The money's in between. The lady in Massachusetts, a nurse and so part of the Medical Industry, she and her husband trusted them. Three dead kids, a mother that might be better off dead for all the chance she got at having any kind of life whatever happens, and the husband never be right again. Seemed real nice decent people, idiots asking "what happened to turn this mother into a monster?" Talkin' heads on teevee, and the interwebtube, asking stupid questions and never peeling off any of the onion. Too lazy, not interested in problems they don't think are their problems. Bet you take one of them fancy coiffured and madeup talkin' heads five minutes after she (usually a she - eye candy ya'know) the news break ends and ask her some questions 'bout what she just read off the teleprompter, draw a blank. Go ahead, do it. Nobody cares to, nobody wants to know. I'm following that case, some others. Contacted the lawyer to let'em know if he need my special insight, gimme a call. Pretty unusual, survivor of an attempt to make a patient a vegetable to collect the insurance money, couldn't keep me asleep so tried to make me look crazy. Pump me full of psychotropic meds, family hadn't read'em the riot act and got me semi-clean for a bit, I'd be dead or warehoused somewhere, 'til they could get'em to turn off life support and cut me up for parts. Don't be a organ donor, btw. If it's on your driver's license get it off now. Time'll come, if it ain't here already, you in a bad accident or the docs let your vent malfunction after an operation, the organ traffickers circling, ready to land and get their bite. Time'll come it won't matter if it's on there, they'll just take'm anyway. So this case here, first I looked at it, thought it might be one of them engineered jobs. Government grooms some crazy people, likely targets already and digitally stalk and then engage them. They talkin' about doin' something bad, keep'em on the hook until ready to set'em off. Not an exact science, hence the variations. This one, all according to plan? Hard to say, the tranny terror thing, been at least four in the past few months, could be a new technique. I'm just observing that happened. Figuring there gonna be some more of these shortly. Just about always is. What never happens, or if it does the results are never made public, is they do a deep dive into the perp and see what's there. This one they uncovered some communications with an acquaintance, the perp told'em was gonna do it, tried to talk'em down. Who else was it talking to? Gonna call it it, btw. Gets confusing, apparently it is biologically female and was a tranny. Anyway, it on there talkin' to people, there some out there crazy or evil or both, want to make something happen. It say it gonna do something, kill people, they sayin' "DO IT!" Another question you'll likely never get an answer to is how many of them eggers-on are minions of the state, either private contractors or actual (FBI or whatever) agents. Do it all the time, catching child predators as they call it. Like they got some objection to child molestation. Unless it's some garden-variety degenerate they can use for publicity. They get these guys, stalk'em on the interweb, and if one looks likely engage and start workin' on'em. Most of the "predators" that get arrested in these operations have no prior record. The hardened practitioners are too wily to get caught that way. These just average borderline perverts that get curious and get sucked in. Most don't to to trial and those that do cop a plea 'cause they didn't do anything, just intended to. Got a warped kid, especially warped with heavy doses of psychopharma stuff, already don't know what he doing, easy enough to push'em over the edge. And these either get killed or end up in prison or the nuthouse forever, and if they had the presence of mind to tell what happened, nobody believ'em. Doesn't fit the narrative. The talkin' heads read the teleprompter and that's that. The sheeple graze on. In this case the crazy and psychodrugs had the tranny hormone treatment piled on top. And how'd it get all them guns? And its parents not knowing they was in the house? Must be one big house and somebody not paying attention. The latter pretty likely. I can attest, as can my family members who witnessed me being treated thus, that a person under their influence can act pretty near normal, completely normal to those that don't know them well, and have absolutely no cognizance of their actions. Which is why I suspect that nurse in Massachusetts likely murdered her three young children and never had any idea of what she was doing. And probably still doesn't remember any of it. Idunno, Tennessee is one of the more sane states, and may investigate this thing better. But mostly people just go by the book, no matter how good their intentions. And if they don't know what to look for they aren't likely to find it. And Tennessee may have been selected for such an operation precisely because it is Tennessee. The gun grab thing is always an element, but with no action possible, especially with Congress half out of the cabal control, it is little more than rote propaganda. But Paul could only focus his attention on the inner eye and the gaps visible to him in the time-wall that still lay across his path. Through each gap the jihad raged away down the corridors of the future. Dune (Frank Herbert - 1965) ![]() "Ramon here. Anyone up there?" Ramon was a name he used when not attached to a specific operation. He had a feeling his status was about to change. "I see you." It sounded like Eleanor, from Mantis. What was she doing there? "Elly?" "Nice to see you. I've only got about fifteen minutes of fuel. If I can't get a relief bird you may be exposed for a while. For now it looks good." Easier to see a threat on the flat land. "Can you do a scan ahead, see if you pick up anything unfriendly?" "Can do, but no guarantees on that terrain." "Gotcha. Just scan for comm signals. Heard from Lancer?" "Just when he sent me up. You got his freak?" "Better give it to me." "Channel 36." "Got it. Can you conference us now?" "Hang on." Balance of Power (Enak Nomolos 2023) ![]() NASHVILLE Published March 27, 2023 6:30pm EDT Nashville school shooter Audrey Hale: Who is 28-year-old transgender former student who opened fire at school Police found hand drawn maps of the Covenant school with detailed entry points at Hale's residence in Nashville By Paul Best | Fox News hypcryme FOX NEWS FIRST MORNING HEADLINES Perhaps, this being in Tennessee (a reasonably sane state) the following will be publicly revealed: History of any medical treatment, mental or physical. History of any law enforcement reports related to the perpetrator. All medications prescribed during past six months. Forensic examination of all communications on social media or other online venues, on the perpetrator's computers, phones and other digital devices. Any communications from persons related to the perpetrator's actions should be made public and part of the records of the investigation. Any persons communicating in such a manner as to encourage this act should be thoroughly investigated. Last updated: Fri 24 Mar 2023 01:02:55 AM CDT : 1679637775 |