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Sun 02 Jul 2023 09:47:49 PM CDT

I didn't say nuthin.  Just showed you a pitcher.  Two three years ago that was here, in the blue cesspools mostly.  Few that tried it in the free states got short shrift from the authorities.  Fourth comin up, couple days.  All the usual I reckon.  Ain't goin' to none.  Easy enough to excuse with family and friends, including the girls.  Wouldn't be my friends if they didn't understand me and decide to take me as I am.  Not that they actually understand me, more like figuring it's worthwhile to put up with my eccentricities, them all bein' harmless and often amusing. 

So with the Republic on its last legs, rest of the world goin on like it's never gonna end.  Except for the 30% or whatever, we mostly prepping. 

So guess I start another installment of what may be an end times journal.  Or not, better or worse we don't know. 

Wed 05 Jul 2023 08:28:51 PM CDT

Pretty much describes where we are.  I ain't the first one to say it, won't be the last.  Of course Paul was writing in the last stage of the Roman Empire, I reckon.  It'd been rotting for years, believe Nero was the emperor when Paul went to Rome, dunno if he ever had his audience or not.  Some say he did, but don't seem he wrote about it, seems he would have.  Anyhow, Rome was going downhill, like we are.  Hence the applicability of Paul's comments to where we are. 

So what does a feller do?  As I said, we prepping, do all you can.  Food and other supplies, caches for emergencies, weaponry of course, also distributed.  Regular communications with your associates, whatever sort of organizational setup you got.  Feller said, we ain't gettin' to the next election, and that seems bad.  Means it's out of their control, which is good if there's any good in it, but if that's the case just what is happening? 

Figure if there is an implosion, such as to shut down the regular political machinery, there gonna be some serious chaos.  The Balkans, Middle East?  That'd favor the patriots, but a lot depends on where the lines are drawn.  If the red states have a stable environment, being deep inside one of those would be good.  Nobody cares what's happenin' in the cesspools - sure there'll be them as ain't already got out, but not much we can do go help, except give them aid when they arrive.  Enak talked about that in "Balance of Power". 

Main thing is being informed and alert, ready for as much as you can be. 

Fri 07 Jul 2023 10:50:44 PM CDT

Ran that pic through OCR, did pretty well.  Tried the Black Sweet the other day, pretty good.  Not sure if the blueberry/pineapple is a go, could be good, way mixing things goes sometimes.  Napa grape neither, maybe the white grape.  Hafta start ordering delivered, stores always out of the French Vanilla.  Little ole hole in the wall gas station got'em around here.  Jonestown stores ain't got none.  C'est la vie. 

Finally got a bit or rain last night, nice and cool out tonight.  Gonna be hot near on two more months, but if we get enough rain to keep the green stuff going, look good for fall planting.  Few interesting looking critters popped up, leaves don't tell me for sure.  Part of the fun, seein' what they turn out to be.  Mixed it up with fire ants a few days ago, left arm 30% bigger from elbow down.  Skeered me a bit, seen they was bites but wasn't sure what.  Pretty much don't notice wasp stings (personal best somewhere north of 20 of them striped yeller and brown things) and last two or three brown recluse bites were a mild annoyance.  First one dang near took my leg off though.  I ain't interested in testin' my immune system with the ants. 

Republic still in that hellbound handbasket, dunno how that works out.  Commies sure pissed that a film about human trafficking did better than (hopefully) the last Indiana Jones movie, and that's a good thing.  Both the success of a good film and the commie angst.  Nasty bit about that, from a few years back, a pretty good examination.  It's ugly, and either somethin' blows and people get kilt and stuff broke, and as Dirty Harry said, nothing wrong with shooting as long as the right folks get shot.  Well, that's the trick, isn't it, and it's gonna cost you. 

Sun 09 Jul 2023 11:01:45 PM CDT

Look for this feller to be canceled.  Probably he not too concerned, 38 years in he should be well off.  Maybe he lookin for some notoriety, write a book, do the lecture thing.  Could be right lucrative.  Or he seen people gettin' away with being honest, figger he try it.  Dunno, back in the Plandemic they put people in prison for that. 

Europe still burning, all them third-worlders they let in.  Close on 400 million we can absorb quite a bit, them countries some ain't got more'n 20 million if that, and them critters swarmin' in like nobody's business. 

If you ever doubted the idea that the upper reaches of the cabal are full of pervs, you should see the reaction to this.  Serious panic when an indie film beats out the (hopefully) last Indy movie.  There is some serious worry there.  Feller said the other day, them new light posts along the roads, they so high we gonna need a lot more rope when the time comes.  Yeah, if you use rope.  Seems rather inefficient though, even if it is more fun to see'em dangle and strangle.  Feller shouldn't wish for that, but there more and more of'em every day getting mighty upset.  Don't get this fixed next year who knows what might happen. 

Tue 11 Jul 2023 09:33:35 PM CDT

Garland is pretty much a Beria.  Need some crimes made up to prosecute Trump or other inconvenient people, he your man.  Of course the simian persecutors in New Yawk and that cesspool in Jawjuh, always forget its name are the same.  They probably lower IQ than him, but the same strings work on a stupid puppet as on a semi-intelligent one.  Once in a while just for fun I read how Beria got his, hard to imagine having sympathy for the current crop of Berias we got.  Same as them crowds at the guillotines, not that they were personally wronged by them losin' their heads, lot of them weren't guilty of anything bad, especially once they ran out real baddies.  Them as don't think the same thing happen here got another think comin.  That's think, not thing.  Wonder if Rob and boys knew they got that wrong, being Brits and I always thought it was a southernism.  Seems Brits do say it, or some claims, but it still think and not thing.  Helluva song though.  Especially live.  Favorite of older, or maybe middle, Priest albums was Painkiller, the 'side 2' especially.  Guess on vinyl that the way it was, but haven't bought vinyl in a long time.  Be fun to hear it on this though:

Anyway, here's how it goes:                              

Night Crawler   5:44
Between the Hammer & the Anvil   4:47
A Touch of Evil   5:42
Battle Hymn   0:56
One Shot at Glory   6:46

'Night Crawler' echoes 'The Sentinel' on 'Defenders of the Faith', both in structure and it's post-apocalyptic vibe.  I believe on one or maybe both Glenn and K.K.  switched lead roles several times on the break.  Between the 'Hammer and the Anvil' and 'One Shot at Glory' are seriously awesome, sometimes A Touch of Evil seems maybe out of place, maybe put it after Night Crawler, maybe not.  Great stuff, hard to believe it almost 25 years ago.  Can't wait to crank it in the new house. 

Buenas noches, muchachos. 

Thu 13 Jul 2023 10:41:02 PM CDT

Dug out the old Executioner paperbacks, saw'em during the move and marked the box.  Found the one with the Nick Carter books too.  Gonna revisit a few of both.  Seem to remember the second one had a scene I always wanted to use in a movie, if I ever made a movie.  It's the one where Mack finds himself cornered by the cops, and escapes by commandeering a police car and driving it over a cliff into the water.  Dunno if that's ever been done, might work in into some action scenes I'm workin' on. 

Gonna have to get the library reassembled.  Knocked down almost two dozen bookcases to save space in storage, putting them back gonna be some kinda fun.  Bigger room make it easier to organize.  At least the front deck is super big, ready to be doin' midnight smokes with the view out there. 

Figure war is closer.  Once it gets going gonna be fun to see.  Army full of perverts and mental cases, diversity promotions, not gonna cut it.  Some was talkin' on how soon they'll bring the draft back.  Figure some for sure won't go now, and them as does ain't gonna like bein in there with them types. 

The cesspool that is Austin, Texas continues to ferment or whatever cesspools do.  Can't get cops, who gonna work in a place where you get prosecuted for doing your job?  Be better if they all left, but like the Army the misfits and derelicts stay while the good ones leave.  State shouln't be helping.  Think they won't prosecute state troopers that defend themselves? 

Sun 16 Jul 2023 08:52:15 PM CDT

Not that he ever had one, but Pence's shot at prez went even further down the tubes than it already was.  Right up there with Howard Dean's scream.  He put on a decent show when Trump picked him, did a pretty decent job of not screwing up anything for four years.  Thinking there'd be eight years of Trump, things be looking good like after Reagan and he's just slide in.  Woulda been the same results, they gave Pence to Trump same reason they put Bush on Reagan.  Start undoing whatever he had gotten done as soon as they were in.  Didn't get the chance, now he goin' for whatever he can get.  Not gonna be veep again, for sure if Trump gets it, can't expect anything better than a cabinet appointment if a Republican does win and that's unlikely.  Complete fraud, doing his holier-than-thou act like Billy Graham never getting into an elevator of the only other passenger was a woman that wasn't his wife.  Difference Billy was the real deal, inasmuch as he lived the way he said he believed.  My guess, for what it's worth - and there ain't many guesses worth much these days - is he recedes into well-deserved obscurity once this is over.  Obscurity deserves a better fate than being occupied by the likes of him, but there you are.  The fact that he was dumb enough to challenge Tucker shows about how out of touch with reality he is. 

How come stuff these days sez 'berry flavor'?  What kinda berry is it?  Inquirin' cigar chompin' minds wanna know.  Come to think of it, what kinda melon is it? 

Wed 19 Jul 2023 09:36:52 PM CDT

Think I'll make the whole thing Part I.  Month goin' by fast, too much to do. 

Dunno if there is three dollars in Wickedpedia these days.  I check about once a month to see if Henry VIII still had six wives and two got their heads chopped off.  Or one chopped and one lopped, since Annie was spared the chopping 'cause Henry brought in a French dude, used a sword.  One neat swipe and it's over.  That choppin, the way someof'em got it, took several whacks to the the job done.  So much that one feller promised the executioner extra if he didn't butcher him so bad.  Guessing the axeman didn't get the tip, since he got it even worse. 

Anyhow, after Anne there was one of two, then a silly girl apparently didn't have good sense, she got the axe.  Dang, must've seen what happened with Annie.  Wasn't but nineteen or so, dunno who gets it right.  Pore Jane Grey, now there was a sad one.  Her family figured they got it knocked, didn't work out.  Fell apart, she off to prison at sixteen or so, and chop.  Let's face it, us with a lot of Ainglish blood, our ancestors a pretty nasty bunch. 

Anyhow, Jimmy orta be embarrassed begging.  I know it's his baby, he probably hates to see what it's gone to.  Maybe it should be for sale, probably Elon wouldn't have to drop more'n a couple billion, clean it up.  Which is to stop the commie lyin' like he did on Twitter.  I do use Wickedpedia links for stuff where they likely to be reliable, otherwise I use Conservapedia. 

Alright, all for now.  May cool off a bit, brandy on the front deck and a seegar.  Likin' the front more these days. 

Sat 22 Jul 2023 09:52:36 PM CDT

Okey-dokey, shootin' the breeze over couple beers this pee-emm, don't drink much beer 'less its actual beer, and we got a conniesewer or two among us, that craft stuff so much of.  Pretty much OK, but had something ain't had in years, pretty much forgot it but used to get it when I passed through memphis a lot, capitalization absence intentional, store probly aint there no more.  Anyway used to pick up a few bottles of Abbey Ale now and then.  Good to see they're still around, and had a couple.  Good stuff, wasn't drivin so why not?  Rain cooled us off pretty good, went out in a T-shirt bout midnite and said dang, November already. 

Anyhow, bleev I drew that the way we figured.  For sure Aingland gone and took the biggest parts of the Commonwealth into the darkness.  Australia and Canada are goners, and figure the mother country they shoulda disowned long ago gonna be askin for cannon fodder when it comes.  India and South Africa on the other hand, ain't about to.  They're in BRICSIA+ and all, and tell London to pound sand.  Australia (25 mil) and Canada (38 mil) sure can put in quite a few, and of course the good ole USA.... well, the only question is when do they restart the draft?  Before or after the first few debacles?  And whatever there is of us, 30 million or so prepper/homeschoolers and such, ain't gonna have their kids goin.  And you know they gonna hit the red states hard with the "lottery" - talk about one that gonna be rigged six ways from Sunday - and not just for revenge.  The blue cesspools ain't got enough physically fit.  Of course mental fitness ain't what they want, but it's ugly already with all the trash they've recruited and the exits of the good ones because of it.  Don't wanna see a war but sure don't want to when we gonna be on the losin' end. 

Never know though, lot can happen in the next year.  And the lefties are nutty enough to eat each other up, put a third or even fourth party candy date in there, and if the Reps can get either Trump or someone close in, we just might survive.  So much happenin' probably won't know until the day after what we're in for. 

Wed 26 Jul 2023 09:42:49 PM CDT

Updated cover for ITBOTB.  I like it. 

Something went right, or wrong, depending on which side you're on.  The crackhead son of Joetato went to present his get-out-of-jail-free card, actually his don't-go-to-jail card, and it didn't work. I was surprised the judge had the balls, figuratively speaking of course.  On the right side lot of women got more of'em than a lot of the men.  They most likely were expecting her to roll over like everyone else, but bein' a Trump appointment some of them have a bit of integrity.  Whether she does actually make him go through a trial, which would be hilarious even if it is a reverse kangaroo court and they let'em walk, be fun to see'em twisting in the wind for a while.  It looks more and more like they gonna heave Joetato over the side, get'em not to run.  Enough of the primaries are in the bag, and the convention is rigged just in case.  As to who they'll run, Newscum wants it bad but they're assuming Trump will be the Republican nominee and they could run a mangy dog - excuse the redundancy - and win.  Could be the case, dunno of the swing states that tried to clean up have made enough progress to prevent that volume of fraud.  They get another dim in and it's over anyway, as far as any pretense of a republic.  Only a matter of whether the free states can put together some kind of protection for their people. 

Mon 31 Jul 2023 09:20:36 PM CDT

Google does stupid stuff like that all the time.  Hard to keep your story straight when you lie constantly.  Okey-dokey. 

Endathamonth, hafta make a new yak page.  Not much goin' on, cept the walls really are closin' in on Joetato.  Not that anything will happen to him even if there is a Republican administration next.  Which is about as likely as a few million people ever drinkin' Bud Lite again.  Some think they may just discontinue the brand and get it over with. 

Nah, Joetato hafta live another year or more to get his comeuppance in this world, and he could fall for the last time any minute.  Why his masters didn't figure on it is a mystery to me.  Maybe they always figure they'll come up with something. 

Not much else of interest.  Some French dude had a habit of climbing to high places with no safety equipment ain't doin' it any more.  Some company that makes shoes I've never bought and sure won't now is attempting suicide.  And some said the other day the disposition of Jimmy Hoffa might have been figured out, but this probably isn't related. 

Seeya in August. 'nother hot dry 30 days and we're good. Got the winter panic pad ready, almost wish the power would go off for a few days.  But some people ain't as prepared so we'll hope it don't.  Be like wanting another tornado to test the new house.  No thanks. 

Text in pics


Romans 1

28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done.
29 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity.  They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips,
30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents;
31 they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy.
32 Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.

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