Thu 21 Jul 2022 11:15:33 PM UTC : 1658445333
A suggestion for the 2024 elections. Feel free to make copies and distribute in your community, post on social media (get censored
by Fakebook), whatever. The text is below if you want to convert to other media.
1. Democrats have deliberately left the borders of the country open to millions
of invaders, not only placing a massive economic burden on taxpayers but allowing
hundreds of thousands of terrorists, drug traffickers, and violent criminals to
run at large.
2. Democrats used the "pandemic" hoax to destroy hundreds of thousands of small
businesses, wreck the lives of millions of citizens, and damage the economy to the
degree that the very existence of the Republic is threatened.
3. Democrats have caused the most vile perversions of behavior to permeate the school
environment of millions of vulnerable children, causing lasting psychological damage.
This was accompanied by poisonous socio-political indoctrination.
4. Democrats have continued to attack the second amendment, infringing the constitutional
rights of millions.
5. Democrats have saturated state and local governments with corruption at a level never
before seen, and even in conservative states the large cities have been turned into
cesspools of corruption and crime.
6. Democrats have incited racial division and hatred in every place at every opportunity, and
will never stop.
7. Democrats have made the large population centers lawless and violent, and countless innocents
have died, many of them children.
8. Democrats have spread lies on a massive scale, and used the news media and every other media
of public discourse to slander any decent person who dares oppose them.
9. Democrats have incited violence which caused widespread death and destruction, even causing
the attempted assassination of a Supreme Court justice.
10. Democrats have reduced economic conditions of the country to the point that a recovery will
require many years, while the working people suffer most.